Pushing through a Plateau

If y’all have been here for a while, then you know that my instagram had originally started out as a fitness accountability page. Last year, the first month of quarantine hit me hard and I was not happy with my body - both on the inside and out. So, I finally started implementing changes and started living a healthier lifestyle. During this past year, I’ve done a lot of work on myself (and am continuing to do so - I still have a ways to go!), but for the most part, it’s been rather smooth sailing. But then, it finally happened. If you’ve ever been on a fitness journey or transitioned to a healthier lifestyle or even just plain tried to lose weight - you know what I mean. This past month… I’ve hit the plateau. The plateau is just that: when things stay the same. You think you’re doing everything right, but you’re seeing no progress. You’ve leveled out.

Now, a lot of people (including me) get disheartened when they hit a plateau. It’s demotivating to not see results! For me, I took a hard look at what I was doing day to day, and I saw I was actually slacking on my nutrition. So, I’ve started refocusing on making sure I’m fueling my body with healthy, delicious foods so I’m not deprived, but also eating in line with my goals.

However, it’s not always that simple to see why you’ve plateaued. Sometimes, you really are doing everything right! So here are some other ways that will help you push past your plateau - and keep you motivated at the same time!

ways to help pushing past the plateau:

  • Change up your workouts! Try something new: like a dance class (easily found on YouTube), boxing, or jumprope! Anything different from whatever your normal routine is. Make sure to incorporate weight training, too!

  • Focus on protein & greens. This does not mean you have to take away anything from what you want to eat! Do you want pasta? Eat pasta! Just add some sort of protein and greens as well to get those nutrients.

  • Manage your stress. In addition to promoting comfort/emotional eating and triggering food cravings, stress also increases your body’s production of cortisol (a hormone that promotes fat storage).

  • Up fiber - it keeps you regular, and helps your gut bacteria

  • Cut back on alcohol. Try only having one drink at a time, and drink lots of water!

  • Sleep.

  • Find other ways to track success - finding a different way to look at progress can boost your motivation!

Most importantly, eating should be positive. Whether it’s a glass of wine or a nutrient dense smoothie, whatever you eat - make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Be mindful and know that if you do go off the rails, you can jump back on and if you can’t - it is fine to get help and support. Being mindful means you really asses whether you want that cupcake, and if you do want it: go for it! Enjoy the hell out of it! Focus on your bites and be mindful about your treat - try not to inhale it so you need another and another and another cupcake to recognize you’re satisfied.

If you’re doing everything right, changes will come. Be patient and believe in yourself!

xoxo, Sarah


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