27 Things About Me

DETAILS: Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Top: JCrew (old, similar here), Jeans: Everlane, Bag: Charlotte Elizabeth, Shoes: Birdies

DETAILS: Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Top: JCrew (old, similar here), Jeans: Everlane, Bag: Charlotte Elizabeth, Shoes: Birdies

Hello and Welcome to my blog! I’m so honored you decided to take a look at my little corner of the internet, and I hope you decided to stay a while! Since we’re getting newly acquainted, I thought I would share 27 Things About Me!

  1. I’ve got to start my day with coffee or matcha. I don’t need to start my day with one of them; but I love myself an almond milk latte, and life is far too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures of life!

  2. I’m a stress baker. When I get stressed; I want to bake something. This is excellent for me, but sometimes a bit frustrating for my fiance, as I’m a stress baker, not a stress let’s eat what I’ve just baked-er.

  3. I did ballet for 17 years (one of the many reasons I love barre so much!)

  4. I could re-read and rewatch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games any day of the year.

  5. If I could live in any other city in the US, it would be Charleston, SC.

  6. I’m super particular about going to bed. I can rally if I need to (not often, mind you), but I’d so much rather hang out with friends starting earlier in the day so I can go to sleep at a reasonable hour.

  7. I’m insanely good at quoting movies, and recognizing actors on the fly (even by just their voice!)

  8. When I was younger all through high school, it was my dream to become a Broadway Star.

  9. My favorite Starbucks drinks are seasonal: the Venti Unsweetened Iced Green Tea, Pumpkin Spice Latte & Skinny Peppermint Mochas (I like my ‘bucks lattes with almond milk and an extra shot of espresso).

  10. I’ll take a beach vacation (or house!) over a lake vacation every day.

  11. Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again is better than the original (although I love them both!)

  12. My fiance and I “officially” met in RA training junior year of college.

  13. I find birds fascinating and my favorite is the plover (also known as the sandpiper)!

  14. I’m a Comparing Connie. I am always comparing myself to others, and have to make a conscious effort to not do so daily. I know it’s a bad habit and not helpful to anyone, but I’m being honest here.

  15. I love writing things down. I don’t care if there’s a notes app on my phone; I would so much rather write it in a journal.

  16. Speaking of writing, I’m a calligraphist! Well, technically a hand-letterer, since there is a difference between hand lettering and calligraphy. (Calligraphy is a specific style and art, whereas hand lettering you can use any pen/pencil/marker or style).

  17. I enjoy having a multitude of plants in the house and being a ‘plant mama’.

  18. I love baths. Give me a hot bath, a Lush bath bomb, a good book and a glass of wine and I am one very happy lady.

  19. I did Envirothon in High School, and consequently can identify a multitude of trees and animal tracks!

  20. I didn’t start running until after High School, and have already completed two half-marathons! I would’ve had a third under my belt, but quarantine kind of funked that one up for me.

  21. I don’t like breakfast. I love breakfast foods, just not at ‘breakfast time’. If I eat too early in the day I get nauseous.

  22. My hands down favorite cocktail is a French 75 (although I like it best when honey simple syrup is used over normal!)

  23. I LOVE grocery shopping and meal planning. I find it so much fun!

  24. I’d categorize my style as a mix between Southern and French.

  25. My guilty pleasure TV show is Pretty Little Liars (I love it so much and can always re-watch it).

  26. My favorite season is fall. I don’t care if it’s basic, I am here for pumpkin everything, color changing leaves, and Halloween!

  27. If I could be granted three wishes they would be for: 1. Unlimited Funds (I don’t need the rich lifestyle, I would just love to never have to worry about money), 2. A House for my fiance and I (complete with a woodworking shed for him), and 3. The ability to apparate (no more public transportation and you could live and work wherever? yes, please).

And that’s just a little bit about me! I’d love to get to know all of y’all too, so don’t be a stranger!

xoxo, Sarah


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