600 Days of Movement

600 days straight.

I won’t lie to you- there were days I didn’t want to move my body - where I’d much rather lay down all day and do nothing. I’m even feeling these feelings now (600 days in!) during peak seasonal depression times! The other day I did not want to do anything that didn’t involve lying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, movie marathoning. But I didn’t get to 600 days by ignoring my body and needs. In fact, one of the most crucial parts in this journey was to listen to my body each day to know the intensity of movement I needed each day.

If you’ve been here for a little while, you know that one of my non-negotiables each day is getting my workout in. Whether or not I was in the mood for it, my workouts are always one of the best parts of my day. I love pushing myself, and of course - those endorphins are amazing!

If you’re looking to start exercising more consistently, here are some tips I’ve found useful :

  • Variety is the spice of life!

    • While I love my go-tos, it’s nice to try new things every once in a while! My favorite ways to do this is by exploring different classes in the peloton app, and with ORRO - a fitness app that offers a huge variety of boutique fitness classes that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Use my code SARAHK for $5 off your membership!

  • If you don’t like it, don’t do it!

    • Exercise should be enjoyable. If you don’t like the hottest new workout… don’t do it. You’re only going to want to exercise if you enjoy moving your body in that certain way!
      Some of my favorites: running, crossfit, spin, strength training, HIIT workouts, pilates, barre, hot yoga, hiking
      And my least favorites? Zumba & cardio dance classes, normal (not hot) yoga, soccer, basketball

  • Pre-plan & schedule your workouts ahead of time.

    • There’s no timeline for which you have to abide to - you can decide what workouts you want to do for the next day each night previous; you can plan your workouts for the week; or you can be like me and keep a spreadsheet of the month!

    • Treat your workouts like appointments. Physically block time off in your calendar. Taking care of yourself is important!

  • Find some sort of self-accountability

    • Post your after workout selfie on your stories! Have a workout buddy! Create a group message of friends who will hold you to your word!

  • Consistency is Key

    • There are going to be (many) days where you don’t want to work out. But something is better than nothing! Not every workout has to be dripping-sweat-intense. Pop on a 5 minute youtube video. Do some pilates or yoga. An easy workout is better than none at all.

  • Just getting started? Join a challenge!
    When I was just getting going in my fitness journey, it was really helpful to join a challenge. It held me accountable, gave me a little community, and provided me with a schedule to start. It was integral in building up my ‘streak’ and boosting my confidence. Once I was used to moving my body again, I felt more comfortable in picking my movements and knowing what my body needed each day.

What are some of your favorite ways to move? Feel free to let me know in the comments below, and follow along for all things fashion, fun & fitness on my instagram @sarah.kowalchuk!



My First CrossFit Open


Sweats with Sweats (and Sarah)!