DIY Christmas Sweater


It’s true: as a full grown adult, until yesterday, I did not own an Ugly Christmas Sweater.
But, since we were invited to a virtual Holiday Party with friends where this was the requested attire, I knew this had to change. Since I didn’t really have time to shop for one; I decided to craft my own! It turned out so well, that I’m sharing how to make this simple Christmas Sweater with you.


Tools Needed:

  • A needle felting tool & brush pad

  • An old sweater (mine is a J.Crew men’s sweater thrifted by my sibling!)

  • some green felt

  • scissors

  • white embroidery floss & a needle

  • red, white, light green, and yellow wool.

Making Your Sweater:

  1. Cut out a Christmas Tree shape with green felt (to get a symmetrical tree, fold the felt in half and only draw half a the tree, using the fold as the center).

  2. Now it’s time to use the felting tool (which is so insanely easy and fun). Place the felt tree on top of the brush pad. On top of the tree, use the red wool and drape it along to look like a garland. Once the wool is in place on the felt, take the needle felting tool, and quickly and repeatedly poke the red wool until it becomes fixed to the green felt!

  3. Continue to do this until your tree is draped with red wool garland, and you have several wool ornaments affixed as well! (You’ll have to keep repositioning the tree on the brush pad)

  4. Using sewing or safety pins, pin your decorated tree onto your sweater, and stitch your tree to the sweater using the white embroidery thread.

  5. Take your sweater, and place the brush pad underneath the top layer, just where your star will go.
    Mold your star out of the yellow wool (I folded, then cut the edges to make more defined points), and place on the top of the tree/on your sweater.
    Affix the star with your needle felting tool (the same as you did attaching the garland & ornaments to your tree!)

  6. And voila! Your very own homemade Christmas Sweater is complete!

I hope y’all have as fun making your sweaters as I did and don’t hesitate to share the pictures of yours with me!

xoxo, Sarah


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